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a bottle of milk中文是什么意思

用"a bottle of milk"造句"a bottle of milk"怎么读"a bottle of milk" in a sentence


  • 一瓶牛奶
  • "bottle"中文翻译     bottle1 n. 1.瓶;一瓶的量。 2 ...
  • "milk"中文翻译    n. 1.乳,奶;牛奶。 2.乳状物;乳状液;【药学】乳 ...
  • "bottle of milk" 中文翻译 :    一瓶牛奶
  • "milk bottle" 中文翻译 :    牛奶瓶
  • "half a bottle of milk" 中文翻译 :    半瓶牛奶
  • "he was bringing a bottle of milk" 中文翻译 :    拿着一包奶
  • "milk bottle board" 中文翻译 :    奶瓶纸板
  • "milk bottle brush" 中文翻译 :    奶瓶刷
  • "milk bottle capper" 中文翻译 :    奶瓶装盖机
  • "milk bottle capping machine" 中文翻译 :    奶瓶压盖机
  • "milk bottle filling machine" 中文翻译 :    牛奶装瓶机; 牛乳装瓶机
  • "milk bottle sealing machine" 中文翻译 :    奶瓶封瓶机
  • "milk bottle washer" 中文翻译 :    奶瓶清洗机
  • "milk bottle winding" 中文翻译 :    奶瓶形卷绕
  • "milk test bottle" 中文翻译 :    测乳脂瓶; 牛奶测试用瓶
  • "milk-bottle bobbin" 中文翻译 :    奶瓶形筒子
  • "milk bottle ca ing machine" 中文翻译 :    奶瓶压盖机
  • "a bottle of" 中文翻译 :    一瓶……
  • "bottle" 中文翻译 :    n. 〔英方〕(干草等的)束,堆。 look for a needle in a bottleof hay 干草堆里找针,吃力不讨好,徒劳无益。 bottle1 n. 1.瓶;一瓶的量。 2.〔the bottle〕奶瓶;(瓶装)牛奶。 3.〔the bottle〕酒;饮酒。 4.(装酒,油等的)皮囊。 a wine bottle 酒瓶。 a bottle of wine 一瓶酒。 a bottle messenger (用作测定海流等试验的)海流瓶。 a three-bottle man 酒量大的人。 be fond of the bottle 好酒贪杯。 bring up [raise] on the bottle 用奶瓶喂(婴儿),用牛奶把(婴儿)哺育大。 crack a bottle 开瓶饮酒。 hit the bottle 〔俚语〕饮酒过多,酗酒。 keep (sb.) from the bottle 不让(某人)喝酒。 keep to the bottle 爱喝酒,嗜酒。 (talk) over a bottle 一面喝酒一面(谈话等)。 pass bottle 传杯轮饮。 take to the bottle 喝上酒,爱上酒。 vt. 1.把(酒等)装瓶;把(水果等)装罐贮藏。 2.忍着,含着(不平、怒气等)(up). 3.〔英俚〕捕获(逃犯等),使(逃犯、敌军等)陷入困境(up). bottle grape juice 把葡萄汁装瓶。 bottle up one's temper 克制住自己的脾气。 Bottle it! 〔美俚〕不要吵了! 静一静! bottle off 把…由桶中移装瓶内(bottle off a cask of wine 把一桶酒分装进若干小瓶)。 bottle up 1. 把…封在瓶内;压住(感情),隐匿(事实)。 2. 封锁(交通等);捕获(逃犯等);使(逃犯等)陷入困境。 keep things bottleed up 把事情瞒起来。 Traffic was bottleed up in the tunnel. 隧道停止通行。 adj. -d 1.瓶装的。 2.〔俚语〕醉醺醺的,喝醉了的(bottled gas 瓶装煤气,瓶装液化石油气。bottled water瓶装纯净水)。
  • "be in milk" 中文翻译 :    正在流泪
  • "for milk" 中文翻译 :    为了奶
  • "in milk" 中文翻译 :    产奶的母畜; 奶含有天然脂肪; 授乳期
  • "in the milk" 中文翻译 :    在奶中
  • "milk" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.乳,奶;牛奶。 2.乳状物;乳状液;【药学】乳剂。 3.〔废语〕鱼子。 4.【赛马】不正当利益。 5.〔美俚〕雪。 6.【物理学】子同位素。 as white as milk 牛奶一样白,纯白。 a milk diet 牛奶餐,乳饵。 condensed [Swiss] milk 炼乳。 separated milk, skimmed milk 脱脂乳。 whole milk 全脂乳。 a powder(ed) milk 奶粉。 blue milk 搀水牛奶(= watered milk);(因细菌)变青的牛奶。 acidophilus milk 酸牛奶。 Bristol milk 布里斯托尔酒。 milk of lime 石灰乳。 milk of magnesia 镁乳(泻药)。 milk of sulphur 硫黄乳。 in milk 在授乳期的(a cow in milk 乳牛)。 milk and honey 乳和蜜(般的享受);丰饶,繁荣。 milk and roses 白中泛红的脸色。 milk and water 搀水的牛奶;无味的谈话[讲义];过分的感伤〔cf. milk-and-water〕。 milk for babes (读物、教理等)适合儿童的东西,初步的东西(opp. strong meat)。 milk of human kindness 自然而然的人情;同情心。 M- Route 〔美俚〕奶路〔商人向华盛顿各政府机关做买卖的门道〕。 milk route 〔美空俚〕短距离航线;美大陆横断航线给油机。 spilt milk 不可挽回的事情(It's [There's] no good [use] crying over spilt milk. 无法挽回的事哭也无益)。 vt. 1.挤…的奶;挤(奶)。 2.抽取(树液);拔(蛇毒等的)毒。 3.〔俚语〕套出消息;(自电线)偷听(电报电话)。 vi. 1.出奶,挤奶。 2.(天气)变阴 (up)。 The cows are milking well this season. 这一季乳牛出奶很旺。 milk the audience 【美剧】为想博得喝采过分卖力。 milk the bull [ram] 缘木求鱼,做没希望的事情。 milk the market [street] 〔美俚〕操纵股票市场从中渔利。
  • "milk milk" 中文翻译 :    是牛奶


  • He looked very well, though he was rather thirsty, for he drank half a bottle of milk .
  • She whipped into the store for a bottle of milk
  • Mrs . wiese : a bottle of milk , a small bag of sugar
  • Who opened the fridge and took a bottle of milk
  • Akela drinks a bottle of milk every day
  • Jake : can ' t you just leave a bottle of milk next to his bed
  • There ' s a bottle of milk of magnesia under the seat if you need it
  • This morning i had half a bottle of milk and bread for breakfast
  • And she opened a bottle of milk , and gave him drink , and covered him
  • And she opened a bottle of milk , and gave him drink , and covered him
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"a bottle of milk"造句  
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